Did you know that 81% of buyers are researching larger purchases online before making a buying decision?

Did you know that 90% of respondents to a survey by Dimensional Research claimed that reading positive online reviews influenced their buying decision?

Did you know that 71% agree that consumer reviews make them more comfortable that they are buying the right product?

How many times have you read the online reviews for a product, service, or company before parting with your money or time?

Reviews and testimonials are essential for influencing your potential buyers, whether you’re B2B or B2C. With nearly everyone using online resources to research buying decisions, you must ensure that your business is consistently generating positive reviews and testimonials from your happy customers.

Once you have accumulated some positive reviews and testimonials, they should be leveraged throughout your online marketing activities – prominently displayed on your website, communicated through your social networks, used as part of a Google AdWords campaign, etc.

This infographic, The Review of Reviews, outlines why you need online review to boost your bottom line:

The Bottom Line
It is your responsibility to encourage your customers to post reviews on sites like Homestar, Yelp, Google+, and so on.  Whether simply requesting a review in person, or providing incentives for reviews, you must have a plan to make sure reviews are consistently generated.
Accumulating reviews and testimonials must be a key component of your online marketing strategy.

>> If you need help implementing an online marketing strategy that will work for your business, get in touch with us today! You can also learn more about online marketing at our free monthly seminar.

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