Why Blogging is Good for Your Business

In order for your online marketing efforts to produce tangible results, you must commit to developing a content strategy and to becoming a content developing organization.

Blogging is central to an effective online content strategy.

Does your business have a company blog? Are you posting relevant content on a regular basis? If you are not consistently blogging, then you are likely missing out on sales opportunities.

Strategic blogging has measurable business benefits:

  • Increased qualified leads: Consistently posting valuable blog content will increase your search engine rankings, web site traffic, and online visibility; resulting in increased qualified, inbound leads.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Sharing your expertise and insights through blog content increases credibility and authority. Prospects will regard you as a subject matter expert, making you more influential and increasing conversion rates.

The following infographic depicts specific, positive business outcomes associated with strategic blogging (click on infographic to enlarge).


Ben Molfetta
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