Use Google+ Communities in Your Online Marketing Efforts

Google+, Google’s social network, allows users to form “Communities”. Essentially, Communities are forums for groups of people to talk about and share information about specific topics.

Communities are formed around a common interest or hobby, allowing Google+ users to interact with others that have similar interests. Topics can be anything: business strategy, marketing and sales, information technology, etc. People post content, images, and videos, as well as engaging in discussion.

You can participate either through your business page or your personal G+ profile.

How to Use Google+ Communities for Business 

1. Understand Your Prospects/Customers

Communities are ideal spaces to learn about, and interact with, your prospects.  Seeing what types of content your prospects post, and participating in their discussions, will give you a better understanding of your target audience. This insight will help you build buyer personas that accurately reflect your prospective buyers, which is crucial in developing a winning online marketing strategy.

2. Solve Problems

Showcase your specialized knowledge by helping resolve people’s problems and answering their questions. Doing so will position you as a credible authority. Cultivating relationships with these highly engaged prospects can translate into future sales and create champions for your brand.

3. Post Interesting Content

Share related articles, images, and videos that you find around the web. Share content that you think others will find helpful, interesting or amusing. You can also share your own original content which will demonstrate your subject matter expertise. Just a word to the wise – don’t be too focused on your own business in Communities. They are social spheres where shameless self-promotion will not be taken kindly. Interact, share, and contribute. Be a good online citizen.

The Bottom Line 

We recommend that you look into joining or creating Communities as part of your online marketing efforts. Being active in the relevant Google+ Communities will expand your company’s reach and credibility. In so doing, you will establish yourself (and your organization) as an authority on the particular subject, resulting in more visits to your website and increased inbound lead activity.

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