Core’s Blog

TIMELY Online Marketing INSIGHTS

7 Online Marketing Deadly Sins

When we speak publicly about online marketing, the first question I ask is: “Is online marketing a priority?” And without fail, nine out of ten people in the audience say “yes”. I think we can all agree that for businesses to thrive in the coming years it will be...

How to Get Started with Facebook Advertising

When it comes to social media marketing platforms for small and mid-sized businesses, Facebook often makes sense as part of the mix. Facebook offers a number of benefits; it can help you get your name and product exposed to larger audiences, it can help drive traffic...

Tips to Get Your Posts Right on the Top 5 Social Networks

Are you committed to using social media as part of your online marketing strategy? If you are (and you should be), you shouldn’t just use the same standard message when you share your content across social networking platforms. Each one works differently – and how you...

Online Marketing: Just Do It!

For online marketing to produce desired results and a positive return on investment, businesses must commit to it for the long-term. Online marketing represents a new paradigm; it is a new normal. And it is a journey. Sustainable results will not come in a week or...

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  • Be incorporated federally or provincially, or be a Canadian resident sole proprietor
  • Be a for-profit, privately owned business
  • Have between 1 – 499 full time equivalent employees
  • Have at least $500,000 of annual revenues in one of the previous three tax years