Social media platforms are rapidly becoming an essential business development tool. Research shows that 86% of Canadians use social media to interact with businesses on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social networks. One of the best...
Social networking platforms are powerful communications tools that any organization – B2B or B2C – should use to spread its message and expand its reach. The growing influence of social networks has made “social” an integral part of any online marketing strategy. When...
We know in this age of “digital disruption” that staying up to date with technology is essential to running a successful business. For small and mid-sized businesses, taking advantage of digital platforms is crucial to staying competitive and leveling the playing...
Social selling. It’s a term that will almost certainly split any team into two distinct groups. Those that believe in the power of turning to social media to foster business relationships, and those that would rather stick with the tried and true methods of sales....
The importance of social media in influencing perceptions during the buying journey continues to increase, with 75% of B2B buyers using social media to research products or services they are interested in. Prospects are using their social networks in a range of ways...
Social media should be part of any organization’s online marketing mix. The strategic use of social platforms can significantly expand your company’s reach, give you access to new audiences, enhance your credibility, and allow you to engage with prospects and...