To Tweet or Not to Tweet? [Slideshow]

To Tweet or Not to Tweet? [Slideshow]

Should you or shouldn’t you? That is the question. For most small and mid-sized businesses, the answer is: you should. Twitter is no longer just a social network for famous people to stay in the spotlight or for people to share insignificant information like what they...
6 Ways to Influence the Sale

6 Ways to Influence the Sale

When developing marketing or business development systems, you must consider how to influence prospects so they make decisions in your favour. In Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini) and Yes (Goldstein, Martin and Cialdini), Robert Cialdini examines how...
What is Important to Your Prospect

What is Important to Your Prospect

Prospect analysis, or knowing what’s important to our prospects when they’re making a buying decision, is critical to becoming marketing driven. “If you want to know why John Smith (or Jane Smith) buys what John Smith buys, you’ve got to see the world through John...