E-mail marketing is an important tool within the online marketing mix. Are you using email in an effort to generate leads? If not, you should consider it. Today’s marketers place a great deal of importance on email, and for a good reason—it works. It gets proven...
Conversion is about helping prospects move to a next step in a decision making process, and ultimately about closing a sale. Landing pages are a critical tool for optimizing conversions – they are web pages that you direct your prospects to, in order to get them to...
Google+, Google’s social network, allows users to form “Communities”. Essentially, Communities are forums for groups of people to talk about and share information about specific topics. Communities are formed around a common interest or hobby, allowing Google+ users...
Online marketing analytics is the collection, reporting, and analysis of data from multiple sources to improve overall online performance and return on investment. Analytics let you track results in virtually real-time, which means ongoing adjustments can be made to...
In 2014, you can expect to see the trends of 2013 picking up momentum. As more companies realize the value and importance of online marketing, they are putting a real focus on these efforts. Business 2 Community (a thought leader focused on the latest news and trends...