Your website is absolutely central to your online marketing activities. Your website address, or domain name, is the equivalent of online real estate. As with any physical asset, the key is location, location, location. If you are developing a new site for your...
You are evaluating your online marketing efforts and the first thing that becomes obvious is that your website is outdated. It was designed three, five, maybe ten years ago – which is a long time when you consider how quickly the Internet evolves. Your website needs a...
Google AdWords (Pay per Click) can be a very effective lead generation tool for many businesses. We always evaluate whether it makes sense within an online marketing strategy – and it often does: seasonal businesses, high volume items, niche products or services,...
On July 1, 2014, new anti-spam legislation will be enforced in Canada. Called “Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation” (CASL), this new legislation drastically changes how businesses can communicate to customers, particularly through email marketing. It will apply to any...
Email marketing is a powerful tool within an online marketing infrastructure – yet it rarely gets the credit it deserves. A strong email campaign can nurture leads, influence the buying process, increase close rates, generate repeat sales, and optimize customer...