Business owners and executives often tell us if they can just get in front of a prospect, they’ll almost always “close the sale”. Based on our experience, people tend to overestimate their close rate success. Most businesses don’t even measure close rates, but if they...
When business owners and executives ask us which marketing tactics work best; advertising, direct marketing, internet marketing, trade shows, etc., our response is to ask them about their growth objectives. What do growth objectives have to do with marketing? The...
Online marketing has become foundational to all business development activities. Going forward, all effective marketing initiatives will have an online component. It’s the “new normal”. Simply put, online marketing is the use of appropriate, available electronic tools...
What is online marketing – and why should you care? Simply put, online marketing is the use of appropriate, available electronic tools to make sure your business gets found, to build credibility with qualified prospects, to have the best possible chance of...
If you ask 10 people to define marketing, you’ll get 10 different answers. So let’s start with what marketing is NOT: something you cut from the budget when your results are below plan, a creative process, advertising, black magic, a necessary evil….and...